Thursday, February 28, 2008


It's almost march. Today, hilary and i delivered the march issue of the magazine. It looks like this: cool eh? that's riki kay middleton and darrell cooke. strangely enough i went to school with both of them. it's nice to keep in touch with people. especially creative people who can help you out when you and your friends start a magazine. because i know that must be such a common thing that happens. no, seriously though, there are a lot of local publications. i feel like everytime i'm uptown i find a new one. so, that means that we're gonna have to step up our game to keep people ready. i think we should add some type of monthly hunk application. hunky. So, I have two favourite things in this issue. 1 is the interview with BA Johnson, only because it's hilarious and i feel like him and i could really have a good time together, and 2. is the intro to the cubicle article. so, read the magazine and then you can be like, hey...this is cassie's favourite part! and then you can tell me what YOUR favourite part is, and then we can have a conversation. i'm talking to you jon. :) Alright, well, enjoy reading! C.

Sunday, February 24, 2008


New Office - spectacular. Wait for the officewarming party... you're going to love it too. stay tuned for details ;) H.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So we're sending final files today... it's a bit of a stressfest over here... well, for me anyways. hahaha. The proof came at 7am this morning... NOT COOL. I was Definitely sleeping. Well... pending these files actually get done today... the March issue of Qatalyst will be out on Feb 29th. An old boss of mine once said that "a blank page never goes to print" ... I may disprove that today. lol. (Cassie would call it a good use of negative space....) Happy short week. H.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Movin' On Up

It's moving day at qatalyst HQ. I can hear all the hustle and bustle happening downstairs, but i'm safe and sound locked away in my office listening to Travis and drinking a coffee. mmm. oh, and working. It's really rainy and icy and I'm torn between feeling bad that I'm not really helping my friends with the move (I'm trying to get the magazine ready for press on tuesday), or feeling secretly so happy and lucky that I don't have to be out lugging heavy furniture in the ice storm. I spent the summer in the UK a couple of years ago and while I was away my friends moved my entire apartment for me. Isn't that nice? They broke my couch in half because they couldn't get it down the stairs. But I wasn't mad. I was just happy it's moved. Now, 2 houses later, We are still using that broken couch. That is my story for the day. I can't wait to post pictures from the new office. its going to be AMAZZZING. C.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Oh Solo Mio

Valentines Day. I know, I know, corporate holiday blah blah blah but you can't tell me that you don't even want just one chocolate or flower or something. At least I'm not alone. I'm in the office with my date, magda, working on the issue all day and all night tonight. exciting. No, actually. Exciting. Everything is coming together and it's perfect. I'm not going to lie, pippy sent her newest entry to the soju journals today and hilary and I waited until I came in this morning to read it together and I definitely started crying. It's good. Alright, I don't know why you are reading this blog when you should be at the gas station picking up their last withered rotten bouquet for the girl/guy of your dreams. Happy Lovin' C.

Liar liar pants on fire

So I said that I would be updating regularly... but i haven't been. But I will fill you in on some cool things happening here: 1. Magda (our new photo editor!) is coming in today to work with Cassie on photo selection. They did a crazy shoot on Tuesday - and we are picking the shots today. I would tell you what the shoot was for, but that would totally ruin the March issue for you. Veronika Zaretski (with a K, people!) has written the intro to the photo piece... it's going to be Awesome. Yes, Awesome. 2. We have three musical interviews - with 3 very intriguing and diverse local groups... 3. The CKMS Referendum. Man, this thing is a beast - we've been pulling together different opinions, quotes, dates, and facts to give you a well rounded look at this UW issue. We'll see how the vote turns out tonite... 4. THE EELS.... we have an interview with them. We know, we're awesome. (See above) Okay - hopefully that got your curiousity going .... Are you so excited???? H.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Production Begins

So ... it's Monday February 11th... and we're starting production today for the March issue. YIKES! Also - we are hoping to complete this issue and send files to print by Friday. Because we are moving on Sunday - Qatalyst is going to be in A REAL OFFICE. Sort of. It's complicated, we'll explain everything next week - but in the meantime, check back often for insane posts on deadline. hahaha. happy monday ;) Q.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

CRAFT CABARET - sexy meets uptown Waterloo

Tonite is Craft Cabaret at the Starlight. Some of our friends from Stitch N Kitsch are involved in organizing it - like Erin Wilk, she's the woman behind Anatomy of a Skirt. The Craft Cabaret will be chock full of crafty gifts for your sweetie or yourself. Come to shop, and then relax, have a drink, and listen to our featured cabaret singer, Moira King. Doesn't that sound fun???? Also - first 25 people get a giftbag! He-lllo. Get there for 8pm. email us if you want more details. Or check out our facebook events... its in there. (Mr.James Insell will also be taking Glamour Shots if you're interested ;) Q.

Monday, February 4, 2008

hillside inside & vacuity listening party

hello all- it's monday again...and here i sit reflecting on the past few days. luckily, i had a camera with me, so the memories are easy to recall. qatalyst had a busy weekend, which consisted mostly of our 2 favourite things: beer & live music (not necessarily in that order...) saturday night. my friend elena and i made a quick trek to Guelph to take part in the first ever Hillside Inside festival. here are a few pics. attack in black attack in black again.... there was a really good crowd. i was impressed. although, the whole vibe was very different from hillside's summer festival.. here is elena now here are some pictures of wintersleep. i really like wintersleep, and wish that i could have hung out with them, but, they got to hillside an hour before their set, and i didn't stick around to lurk afterwards... that's tacky. holy huge pumpkinhead they were really good live, and the crowd was really into it. they finished their set with danse macabre, which is an awesome song and it tied it all up into one little neat musical package. ok, so i know this is seeming like a long post, but it's just because of the pictures. after hillside elena and i came back home to kitchener and went to the Children's Museum for a listening party of Vacuity's new album "At the Command of the Blanket Sky". it was also a lot of fun....and a lot of food.... and a lot of beer. here is paul, hilary and hilary's dad. this is the band here are hilary and i, with kim and elena. alright, so, that's pretty much all for now i guess. the weekend was good. the week will hopefully be productive. and the march issue is in the works. thanks for reading. C.