Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nov 11.

On a similar, but more serious note. It's Remembrance Day today.

I'm sitting in my cubicle and looked at the clock... 10:59... I listen to what's going on around me... plenty of chatting, typing, gossip... I'm no saint. Believe Me... but I do think that Rememberance Day should serve as two things:

1. A minute to stop and think about people that gave their lives for any thought of freedom.... Both my Grandfathers were in World War 2... from Very Very Very different perspectives. One spent his time in the Canadian Army, stationed on a war ship as a medic, and the other spent the war hiding, running and surviving the Nazis in Poland. His story can be found in the Archives of this important building.

2. A couple minutes to think about the fact that we continue to force young people into the warmachine with thoughts that it is necessary and filled with honour.

Anyways, hope you took a minute.

W stands for ... wow.

So... saw Oliver Stone's W last nite at the Princess Twin.
Not too busy, but i guess it was a Monday, and the film has been out for a while.

First off, I will say that you basically just walk out of the movie saying "wow"

then a long pause as you reflect on the fact that this idiot of a man ran one of the, arguably THE most powerful country in the world for 2 terms.

and then all you can say is "wow" again.

Interesting that the movie does not de-humanize Geo (as delusional Laura calls him), or make him look like the revengeful monster that I've previously thought him.... it makes him out to be a spoiled little brat that grew up wealthy and protected. He doesn't know about consequences - or the fact that he may not be "qualified" for a position. He only knows that his ego will not allow him to be told No to anything.

And for his sake, I hope that's how people remember him in history - because being the President who started more than 1 thoughtless war, crippled the economy and did nothing to correct the crash course our planet is on - is a nasty obit.

There's a lot more to say about this film - like the way George Senior and Barbara are portrayed... the part that alcoholism and religion play... and the fact that Texas is just played messed....

But you should see the movie yourself.

It's playing at 6:40pm tues, wed and thurs of this week at the Princess Twin - king street Waterloo.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Hopefully going to see it tonite.
VERY psyched.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Elect Obama

the only way to watch a successful democratic process...

boyfriend who agrees with your political views.
amazing. best nite ever.

A more detailed, less emotive post tomorrow morning. stay tuned.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nov 5 - busy busy busy

Image: Will Gorlitz, Grassfire (detail), 1994, oil on canvas. 97 x 53 cm. Private collection. Image courtesy of the artist.

So if The World According to Monsanto isn't floating your boat for the evening of Wednesday November 5th, you could hit up KW|AG for an Artist Talk with Will Gorlitz of Guelph.

7-9 p.m, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (located in the Centre In The Square)
Admission is Free.

Film Festival at The Gig Theatre

Did everyone have a lovely weekend?

Mine was.... kind of extreme... but fun.

Recovering from being sick + Drinking + NOT Sleeping + Sillinesss
= needing another week to recover.

Anyways, not to get all preachy on ya first thing on a Monday, but wanted to let everyone know that "The Forerunner Inspire Festival" is this week at The Gig Theatre in Downtown Kitchener. They are showing 3 films that you may be interested in checking out:

The World According to Monsanto, Wed Nov 5th @ 7:15pm
If you don't know who Monsanto is, you should see this film, if you do know who they are... you should still see it.

Toxic Trespass, Thursday Nov 6th @ 7:15pm A film about the connection between our environment and health issues. Apparently has a focus on Windsor, Sarnia area - but is relevant across the world.

Taking Root, Friday Nov 7th @ 7:15pm How planting trees can change a nation - this is a film about the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wangari Maathai.

Each film asks for a $5/per person donation to attend.

Alternatively, you could try to get to another showing of the flick we saw Saturday nite at the princess original: Sukiyaki Western Django Directed by Takashi Miike, and an appearance by Quentin Tarantino.
Here's the description:

Maverick Japanese director Takashi Miike re-teams with longtime writing partner Masa Nakamura (Andromedia, The Bird People of China) for this Western inspired by Sergio Corbucci's violent 1966 classic Django. It's been hundreds of years since the Battle of Dannoura, yet the Genji and Heiki clans are still feuding. In this poor mountain town, there is rumored to be a great hidden treasure. Genji gang leader Yoshitsune is sure that his white-clad warriors will find the treasure first, but Kiyomori and his red-clothed Heike gang aren't about to walk away empty-handed. When a mysterious lone gunman with an incredibly fast trigger finger rolls into town, everyone wonders which gang he will join. As betrayal, deception, and cold-blooded murder become commonplace, the silence of this once-quiet mountain town will be broken by the piercing echo of gunfire and the air will become dense with the smell of death.