Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ebike Update 2

So... The store we bought our bikes from told us we would get these stickers.
We go in to pick them up.

In my head I am thinking:
Wow, I own a mac, a printer, and Illustrator. I probably could have whipped something better than this up.

So Then.... I get a call from the manufacturer in Dundas, and he is awesome :) Sending our stickers out with Adrian from Cycle MD, the place that Kim bought her bike and the bike shop that will be doing our service.
He's emailing me when he has them.
Customer Service.

Very Happy. Waiting for email.
In the meantime... I may have made my own sticker.... just for interim purposes.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

100th Post

F*&K You Rubik's Cube.


Monday, April 28, 2008

Picture Perfect?

So.... We're in Sobey's yesterday. Picking up some ingredients for our lovely dinner party last nite. I don't normally like to frequent the place, because everything is way overpriced and too shiny and bright - it creeps me out.

But, we were walking, because the bike is out of commish right now.

So, we're picking up some pita in the bakery section and we spot this gem:
The name of the cake is "picture perfect"

The little sign on the cake says: HMR TYM



Ebike Update

Okay - so it's looking like the guy who assembled our bikes just "forgot" to put the manufacturer's sticker on it that says it's an ebike.

going to get the sticker today....


keep you posted.


Saturday, April 26, 2008

E-Bikes & The Po-Po

So.... today Rob was pulled over on his ebike... and then we were trying to be supportive so we pulled up.

I was about to rip the face off the cop, but the boys kept their shit together.
Apparently our bikes need some official sticker... saying it's an ebike. not just a HUGE STICKER ON THE FRONT that says EBIKE.

Fucking law enforcement. Sorry Debbie, and Andrew H.... and all the other cops we know and love. But you guys are fucking ridiculous sometimes. Just leave us treehuggers alone. jesus. Rob thinks we were racially profiled. White, 20-somethings, with big sunglasses and hoodies. We're obviously up-to-no-good.

Anyways, we'll be looking into this first thing tomorrow am... I'll keep you updated. In the meantime - DO NOT GO BUY an EBIKE!


Thursday, April 24, 2008

Pottery Sale

(reduction fired pitcher by Lori Cole) H.E.L.L.O.

Pottery sale at Waterloo Rec Centre this friday, saturday and sunday.
Flyer is Here

I'm on the lookout for short round ceramic mugs for tea and coffee... You know, I figure I will cut down on the coffee if the cups are smaller?

Favourite Day of the Month

So it's Thursday, the files have been sent, we've revised the proof, it's going to press. I had an editorial meeting with the two ladies above - they weren't quite so intoxicated, as it was 10am. We're getting things in order for next month... and now I get to spend this lovely day by myself in the office.... totally quiet, other than the sweet tunes I have going on... Door open, Sun outside comin in. So good.

I'm returning emails and getting through all the stuff I've been putting off for the past 2 weeks... So if you're expecting me to get back to you... I'm on it.
Here's some fun images that I dug up on Cassie's Facebook. I was feeling nostalgic.

The first one is a little party we had the day before the first-ever qatalyst was released. Little BBQ, Little Beverages...

And the second, a photo of the BlackBoard at Gay Isber's Sugar Factory the night of our Launch Party. People left us great messages... I wish we could have moved that blackboard to our office. (sigh) But Ms.Killoran caught it on digi cam... or maybe even, what's that stuff called? Film.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

HAPPINESS... another issue complete!

SO many things to be happy about! it's wednesday, weeks pretty much over. the weather is great, and the may issue is DONE! james insell, a good little friend of mine had SO many amazing photos from his journey to Africa that I wish we could have ran them all. but that would make us a picture book. and as much as i would like that, i'm told people like to read sometimes. here are a few of his photos that needed to be seen: in other news... CARL! is this weekend. interesting concept for a music festival at 130 King (Trepid House).. they've called it Carl so you can think of him as a friend. well, not him.. i dont think im making sense. but you should go and check it out anyways. i'll be getting my brakes fixed. also-its almost been ONE YEAR for the magazine!! june is going to be so fun and I can't wait for everyone to be at a super fun party with lots of drinks and food and music and friends! YES! arent you exicted? will have to join via webcam or something kinky like that. time for me to go home. please keep me in your prayers that one of the enormous monstergeese in Vic. Park don't get me on the way. Don't think i'm a coward but seriously, how do you defend yourself against an angry canadian goose? if one came at me i would want to kick it, but hilary thinks that's not appropriate. C.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Earth Day

Hope you had a good one!
check THIS out!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Caffeine Buzz

Tomorrow you can take your travel mug to Starbucks...
and get FREE BREWED COFFEE. Yes Earth Day! H.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


hey there...
we're finishing our event listings for May on Monday nite.
if you have an event you'd like us to run... or you know someone who might need some attention. email us at:



Friday, April 18, 2008

Downtown Ktown

It's probably the most beautiful day in history...
So I decided to take a little stroll downtown Kitchener.

The best thing about living near the core is that you never have to drive, and therefore you never have to get frustrated and then you can really enjoy the day. PLUS, you get a tan while you run errands.
Here's some things I did today:
1. Went to the bank... BORING. I know. It gets better.

2. Went to David's Gourmet and got

this amazing caffeine free tea. yummm. I'm trying to cut down on my caffeine before bed... i'm thinking it may improve my insane dreams i've been having. mmmm.... refreshing ... and kind of good for you.
Then... 3. To the working centre for a sidedish for dinner. Bean salad.

and then... 4. Here's the kicker. To Nougat bakery for buns for veggie burgers and some delicious dessert.

I know, life is perfect.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

We love our clients

So... one of our clients was recently arrested for trafficking and selling crack cocaine.


Worst part, I never settled up her bill before she was... ah.... apprehended.


The Best Thing

About being your own boss... is that you can do whatever you want. So, to enjoy the past two days amazingly beautiful sun.... I've moved by office to the front sunroom. Amazing. H.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Spring is in the air. I think I dont know how to blog anymore. Everytime I sign in and start writing something I decide its not important at all and delete it. All I could come up with today that seemed relevant is, Spring is in the air. C.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Les Bicyclettes

in honour of my new theory: Practice what you keep ranting on about to everyone all the fucking time, Qatalyst has invested in a lovely new mode of transportation.

It's called an Ebike... it runs on electricity. Not Gas. And is essentially a Vespa/Scooter type thing.

To answer a couple common questions:
You: Do you need a license, license plate, insurance?
Me: No.

You: Do you need to wear a helmet?
Me: Yes, a Bike helmet.

You: Well, it must use a lot of electricity right?
Me: No. It uses about 3 cents per charge.

You: Well.... how far does it go on one charge?
Me: 90 km.

You: Yeah, but, it takes forever to go anywhere right?
Me: No. It goes up to 45 km.

Me again: you want one, i know it. Wait for the June issue for an article on how they work, where to get them, why they are the way of the future. I think the best thing about driving one, is at the end of the day when you get home and it's dark, and you've been out running errands all day... you feel like you did when you were a kid and you came in from playing outside all day. You know, all tired and windburnt and full of fresh air. And then you go to sleep and have THE BEST sleep ever.

Rob got one too... his is red.

If you see us. Wave. We will have giant smile on our face and be laughing at you putting $1.14 gas in your car :)


Always, on the weekend...

So the past couple days have been an adventure.
On Friday, we went to a wedding... P was embarassed that I wore these shades. oh well.

Then on Saturday nite, a couple of us headed into the city for a little fun with Brigette and Bobby and Sway.
Little party at Ukula on College... pretty sweet little place... clothing, bar, books, music... pretty much anything your little heart desires. oh! and some delicious G&Ts.

Then there was a short stop at Dee's to try and convince Highwaisted to come back to Tiger Bar with us, but no deals. Their nite was winding down... but we were... still on the move. Sucks that it didn't work out... April 30th... we will regroup.
The next day I would have taken photos, but... we were in rough shape. Had breakfast at Chinese food restaurant on Dundas that caters to the hangover crowd. Interesting concept.
Thanks for your amazing hospitality and the fun nite B. THIS is for you: H.

A little creativity to end the weekend

I'm pretty sure this poem was inspired by your truly.
not sure though, you can be the judge.

beechwoods princess
sliding to loft uptown
dusting with the art rag
beautiful girl
love the dress
swish and sway
hell yes
jump in the beetle
and drive away
come back

Artist will remain anonymous.... for now.
from a new collection titled "Peckerhead Fondue"

Thursday, April 10, 2008

will currie wednesday

Last night hilary and i decided to go get some beer/food/happiness at the jane bond and then head over to starlight to see Will Currie and the Country French. I went to highschool with percussionist extraordinaire Steve Wood, and was glad to finally get out and see them. Hilary had seen them once before at the Uni, and she said the sound was so much better last night. And she was right, and it was really fun. They have quite the following around here...and its obvious why when you see them play- they really interact well with their audience and Will is pretty hilarious. here are a few pics. mmmmhummus my new phone. its gold and hideously awesome. think C-3P0. $1 hat HELLO We didnt get a chance to stay and chat with the band after because it was cold and our method of transportation really limited our time last night. But, we did pick up a cd for the office. I beleive they have a new EP coming out April....29th at HMV/Sunrise/ETC. So. that was a good wednesday night. Yesterday over all was pretty great actually. new cell phone and laptop...stumbled on a new thrift store (everything ONE dollar) saw kate cox. overall a great day/evening if i do say so myself. THEN today we were uptown for breakfast / editorial meeting at cafe 1842 which i normally like but had the hugest bitch trying to charge me 84 cents for creamcheese when i thought i had already paid for it with another waitress and it was just so retarded. i've never been made to feel so stupid over a dairy product before...after that we were like, lets get a coffee and go back to the office, and as we did we found this one lonely duck nessled into a planter. so i bought him a coffee.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Apathy Abounds

No emails from outraged citizens that we printed a tear-out "Troops Out" Poster on Page 1.

This leads me to 2 conclusions:
1. No one gives a shit about anything.
2. Everyone agrees with us.
Any thoughts? Anyone? Anything? Are you out there?


Nobody Fucks with Dajesus?

So last week pretty much kicked my ass. There was so much going on with meetings and events and stuff like that... plus planning for this massive party, issue and other cool shit happening in June for the 1year anniversary (that sounds weird). So the weekend overall was pretty tame.
Anyways, due to being an ego maniac - I will share a little bit of my weekend. If you only check this blog to be updated strictly on qatalyst related news
NOW. ___________________________________________________________ Friday nite: well... after debating whether Canada is really peacekeepers and if we belong in Afghanistan or Darfur or any other Not-Canadian Location for over 3 hours with family and friends, I headed to a little movie watching get together. It was in Pioneer Park, in this totally quiet little crescent... and it felt like those times in highschool when your friends parents were out of town and you got to go over to their house and sit on their comfy couches, eat their food and watch movies on their enormous big screen. What movie you ask? Let's just say it involves, Bowling, Money, Tara Reid before her horrible boob job and the smashing of a brand new red Corvette.... and a rug that really tied the room together.
Saturday: Lunch at Atmosphere in Guelph, the Qatalyst Foodies gave them a sweet review... it MUST be good. I was totally impressed... potato leek soup and amazing coffee. G had a pizza with a tapenade base with tomatoes and onions. I felt bad for him because I had to run a bunch of magazine errands while we were in town, but that's what you get for hanging out with your stalker I guess.
Saturday Nite, Derek Hines and the lovely little jazz trio led by Jason White were performing at Artbar... and there were $5 martinis. This is happening every Saturday Nite in April... so i recommend you stop in at one. It was an awesome way to spend a spring nite. See you there?
Sunday... ooh, Sunday. So I woke up to run a bunch of errands and take the doggy to the park with Bryan I and Jackson. I totally should have taken a camera cuz about 4 million funny things happened. Next time.
Sunday nite... was totally domestic... but comatose. So cooked a pretty delicious Stir-fry if I do say so myself and watched a movie with the Sibs. Nacho Libre... funny but so boring. And The Lookout. Ever heard of it? It has the kid from Third Rock from the Sun in it... super good story... I'd recommend it.
Ahhhhhh, there's 1min and 33secs your never going to get back. Better check Facebook to see if you missed anything.
Have a good week,

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Girls/Staff Nite Out.

Well.... Magda, Cassie and I decided to head out for a nite of celebrating on the town...
I thought it would be a good idea to drive. But we ended up calling E for a ride around 11. I should have known.
First off to Hannah's for some Tapas and Bevy's... there was a hilarious group of young french sitting next to us - a vast improvement to the family talking about prostate cancer at Coffee this aft.
Our lovely drinks:
Our food... well... the lonely fry that I caught before I devoured it. I totally forgot to photograph any dish before it was attacked. I couldn't help it ok? I hadn't eaten dinner!
Delicious Mystery Pint
Then on to The Jane Bond for the opening of Kate Georgina Cox's Art Showing. Amazing. Cassie's fav piece is R2D2 with a Brain. Genius. Kate was actually at our launch party... we love her. Here she is, meaningful embrace:
Here we are:
Here is Owen... he lives in Trepid house and is a self-proclaimed photo geek with a physics degree = cool.
Here is Sarah and Kate - Queer Buzz Specialists. Do NOT take off Sarahs Hat and touch her hair... or so we hear.
And here is a tribute to you know who... enjoy, Tomorrow is delivery. goodnite.

In response to "In response to Qatalyst vs. Catalyst"

Oh, and in case any body gives a shit - John Manley's Presentation of "Afghanistan: Is there an answer?" Was lacking... to say the least. G... care to comment? Cassie?