Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Nov 11.

On a similar, but more serious note. It's Remembrance Day today.

I'm sitting in my cubicle and looked at the clock... 10:59... I listen to what's going on around me... plenty of chatting, typing, gossip... I'm no saint. Believe Me... but I do think that Rememberance Day should serve as two things:

1. A minute to stop and think about people that gave their lives for any thought of freedom.... Both my Grandfathers were in World War 2... from Very Very Very different perspectives. One spent his time in the Canadian Army, stationed on a war ship as a medic, and the other spent the war hiding, running and surviving the Nazis in Poland. His story can be found in the Archives of this important building.

2. A couple minutes to think about the fact that we continue to force young people into the warmachine with thoughts that it is necessary and filled with honour.

Anyways, hope you took a minute.

W stands for ... wow.

So... saw Oliver Stone's W last nite at the Princess Twin.
Not too busy, but i guess it was a Monday, and the film has been out for a while.

First off, I will say that you basically just walk out of the movie saying "wow"

then a long pause as you reflect on the fact that this idiot of a man ran one of the, arguably THE most powerful country in the world for 2 terms.

and then all you can say is "wow" again.

Interesting that the movie does not de-humanize Geo (as delusional Laura calls him), or make him look like the revengeful monster that I've previously thought him.... it makes him out to be a spoiled little brat that grew up wealthy and protected. He doesn't know about consequences - or the fact that he may not be "qualified" for a position. He only knows that his ego will not allow him to be told No to anything.

And for his sake, I hope that's how people remember him in history - because being the President who started more than 1 thoughtless war, crippled the economy and did nothing to correct the crash course our planet is on - is a nasty obit.

There's a lot more to say about this film - like the way George Senior and Barbara are portrayed... the part that alcoholism and religion play... and the fact that Texas is just played messed....

But you should see the movie yourself.

It's playing at 6:40pm tues, wed and thurs of this week at the Princess Twin - king street Waterloo.


Monday, November 10, 2008


Hopefully going to see it tonite.
VERY psyched.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

President Elect Obama

the only way to watch a successful democratic process...

boyfriend who agrees with your political views.
amazing. best nite ever.

A more detailed, less emotive post tomorrow morning. stay tuned.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Nov 5 - busy busy busy

Image: Will Gorlitz, Grassfire (detail), 1994, oil on canvas. 97 x 53 cm. Private collection. Image courtesy of the artist.

So if The World According to Monsanto isn't floating your boat for the evening of Wednesday November 5th, you could hit up KW|AG for an Artist Talk with Will Gorlitz of Guelph.

7-9 p.m, Kitchener-Waterloo Art Gallery (located in the Centre In The Square)
Admission is Free.

Film Festival at The Gig Theatre

Did everyone have a lovely weekend?

Mine was.... kind of extreme... but fun.

Recovering from being sick + Drinking + NOT Sleeping + Sillinesss
= needing another week to recover.

Anyways, not to get all preachy on ya first thing on a Monday, but wanted to let everyone know that "The Forerunner Inspire Festival" is this week at The Gig Theatre in Downtown Kitchener. They are showing 3 films that you may be interested in checking out:

The World According to Monsanto, Wed Nov 5th @ 7:15pm
If you don't know who Monsanto is, you should see this film, if you do know who they are... you should still see it.

Toxic Trespass, Thursday Nov 6th @ 7:15pm A film about the connection between our environment and health issues. Apparently has a focus on Windsor, Sarnia area - but is relevant across the world.

Taking Root, Friday Nov 7th @ 7:15pm How planting trees can change a nation - this is a film about the Nobel Peace Prize Winner Wangari Maathai.

Each film asks for a $5/per person donation to attend.

Alternatively, you could try to get to another showing of the flick we saw Saturday nite at the princess original: Sukiyaki Western Django Directed by Takashi Miike, and an appearance by Quentin Tarantino.
Here's the description:

Maverick Japanese director Takashi Miike re-teams with longtime writing partner Masa Nakamura (Andromedia, The Bird People of China) for this Western inspired by Sergio Corbucci's violent 1966 classic Django. It's been hundreds of years since the Battle of Dannoura, yet the Genji and Heiki clans are still feuding. In this poor mountain town, there is rumored to be a great hidden treasure. Genji gang leader Yoshitsune is sure that his white-clad warriors will find the treasure first, but Kiyomori and his red-clothed Heike gang aren't about to walk away empty-handed. When a mysterious lone gunman with an incredibly fast trigger finger rolls into town, everyone wonders which gang he will join. As betrayal, deception, and cold-blooded murder become commonplace, the silence of this once-quiet mountain town will be broken by the piercing echo of gunfire and the air will become dense with the smell of death.


Friday, October 31, 2008

Guess who i'm being for halloween??

It would appear that dressing up as Mrs. Palin will also require some house redecorating: Maybe my other half would consider going as her other half?

It would just require a goatee, a bad haircut, a semi automatic weapon and a flourescent Ski-doo jacket.

See ya'll later on... instead of candy, we'll be handing out flash frozen pieces of meat we acquired while aerial hunting.

(all photos courtesy of google images)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Kill me.

I have been sick for like 3 days now with this killer headcold/sinus/horribleness.

I feel like i need to have a lobotomy to relieve the pressure in my head.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

At the Red Brick Cafe in Guelph

An Exhibition of Photographs by Dean Palmer

October 27.08 - November 23.08

Closing party Nov 22 7 - 8:30

Monday, October 27, 2008

Two friends...

play in the band Black Hat Brigade...
(all photos by Pete Nema)

they are lovely boys, and received a pretty sweet review by Mr. Pete Nema, for their recent show with Oh No Forest Fires CD Release.
(Thanks to Kevbot as well for the musical introduction)

You can read it here.

Now, i know that this show was over a week ago, and I am soooo behind the ball. But coming out of reclusion is a tricky and lengthy endeavour.

Anyways Magazine fans... there seems to be a speckle of hope on the horizon... and although there seems to be an announcement of a magazine closure every two days... soon there may be an actual Qatalyst Magazine Website up and running.

Many fingers remain crossed.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Qatalyst for President

Did you know that both Obama and McCain have Stores on their websites?
They do.

pretty interesting stuff to,
like this diane von furstenberg bag on Obama's site. Alternatively,
if you wanted to support young children having access to handguns, and the destruction of multiculturalism, you could sport this stuff from McCain's site: Wow. When will Canadian Politics be this commercialized, i mean glamourous, i mean exciting.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Nataliedee.com genius

Oh Alana -
thank you for sending me a nataliedee comic the other day. Amazing.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Think Big... you gas guzzling...

Thank you to Glenn for tipping me off onto this amazing site:
There are rumours that they will be rolling out another program (currently they are based in Israel and Denmark) in Canada... specifically, in a smaller area surrounding Toronto.

Pray it is KW.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Save bitch.

Thanks To Ms.SCD who passed along this link to a bitch magazine item.

Sadly, bitch magazine is encountering money issues as an independent, reader funded magazine. So horrible.

If you have money, give them some.
Why you?
Because as my friend SV justified buying me lunch the other day, "My pile is bigger than yours". Words of wisdom she received from a wealthy relative.

Good Luck Bitch,

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

In other News....

Put down the devices people.

Panic Attack

So.... not sure who else has been reading the news lately. But jesus. this whole financial situation is looking bad.

I mean, not for me... i have no money, so the stock market crashing just means i'd have to liquidate my 5 things and live in some unnamed bus with 7 other people.... it could even be a nice break from this everyday shit... but for people like our parents - sheeesh... the rest of their lives rest on investments and savings and assets. It's fucking disturbing.

I'm not for protecting the uncritical thinkers of our population, but when MSN has an article like THIS on their mainpage... who knows what kind of panic common people are going to fly into? This article ran in The Wall Street Journal.

I guess I'm just of the thinking, that any potential crisis that would affect the majority of North America/the World is a time for some responsible journalism - not a chance to increase click-through rates and charge more for ads.

But that might be the reason I'm currently posting on a blog instead of printing a magazine.

Let's just all pray that this shit turns around until 2012.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jerky what you can Jerky.

At lunch with Stalkee today, he was talking about a little snack he brought back from Japan last week. Essentially, it’s Squid Jerky.

Which led me to comment “Well, you jerky what you can jerky, right?”
Seemed like a legitimate comment to me. I mean, in North America, we turn meat that we have a lot of, into a jerky snack commodity.
Beef, Pork…. Is there chicken jerky?
Why wouldn't it be the same in other parts of the world?

Anyways, the point is… ever tried a seafood jerky?

Post a comment.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Fired Up.

So, I was checking out this new News Aggregator that's been put out by Business Week Magazine... wow, how corporate. And I stumbled across THIS article, about my favourite of North American publications, GOOD magazine.
For those of you who think socially (in the make it better, not get popular sense) this mag is pretty much the non-denominational bible. It supports tons of Non-Profits, promotes advertising from mostly responsible companies, allows subscribers to select which charity they would like their subscription to support and is constantly seeking out news that is interesting, inspiring and unique. Holy, that's not a bad review, huh?

Anyways, this article slags the owner and founder of GOOD for being a rich kid, who's having a hard time keeping his vision alive... and has hired some industry expert to help improve revenue sustainability... I think that's a nice way of saying that he doesn't want to sink any more money into the company, although he will if he has to.

The article is interesting... and completely biased, but it's been on my mind all day. I guess my questions are:
If you are rich, do you have to be obsessed with money, and making more of it? Why does society brand you as a heartless, moralless, exploitative fuck if you have money? The guy's spending his trustfund on bringing underpublicizied news to the socially aware population of North America. Sheeeesh.

Anyone care to share their thoughts?
Or maybe this is only interesting to me, i don't know.


To do list

Ever just decide that you need to come up with 1 good idea?

I mean, that's not a lot.

I'm not saying it has to be an idea that will be patented and make 500 million dollars, and you'll be cruising around with the trumps on some yacht checking out the Cannes film festival and not TIFF.... but just 1 simple original idea.

Anyways, that's on my to do list today.
- send email to Megan
- deposit cheque at the bank
- finish lameass powerpoint presentation
- come up with 1 good idea

How hard can it be?

I challenge you to come up with 1 good, original idea in the next 24 hours. You don't have to tell me what it is, but see if you can deliver under pressure. I dare you.

In other news, I'm going to be posting an article that I'm a bit stirred up about. Gimme a sec.


Monday, September 8, 2008

Jay Spectre

So Saturday nite q headed down to Toronto to see highwaisted, the vacuity boys at the El Mo, and Jay Spectre at the Horseshoe. Such a good nite.

Unfortunately missed the Jay Spectre set, but picked up their new disc and haven't listened to anything else since.
To get a copy of Jay Spectre disc, email me... and I will put you in touch. It's $10, great lyrics, huge instrumental,and the artwork kicks. Love that the lyrics are printed on the back of a fold out mini-poster.

Highwaisted reports the 'Shoe was packed... and Mr.Oliver seemed happy with the night, so all is good.

and yes, my glasses are perscription.

Pics credit of Ms. Highwaisted herself.

Friday, September 5, 2008

phone call last nite...

(caller) : Hello, may i speak to Mrs. Hilary A-Bell?

(me): Hello.

(caller) : Hello, i'm calling behalf of the Conservative Party of Canada.


(me) : Mmhmmm......

(caller) : uhmmm.....

(me) : yes?

(caller) : I'm just calling to ask you to consider voting for Mr. So-and-so, the Conservative Party Candidate in your area.

(me) : Ah, no i will not be considering my area's Conservative candidate.

(caller) : ah, ok. i understand. have a good nite.

(me) : ok.

- Watch out people, they're on the prowl.


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Back to school....?

So, as some of you may know.... I entered into a temporary corporate cashgrab back a couple weeks ago. I'm not proud of it, but hey, you gotta do what ya gotta do, right?

The one of the many obvious downsides to the committment, is that it requires me to be at a certain place every weekday by 9am. And this...requires me to commute through the city with the masses. I'll also preface this story with 2 facts:
1. I drive a volkswagen beetle... it has a broken door sensor and pretty much beeps constantly - confused that the door may be ajar.
B. It is a 2003 Beetle, but it has a TAPE DECK. NO CD player... so i have a weird rigged up system of an adapter cable to a 1994 Discman. Seriously, it's ridiculous. The dashboard is like 4 ft deep... you'd think they could have put the CD player in!

What I'm trying to illustrate here, is that I am not in ideal conditions during my travel. Some even find that beeping "irritating".

Since I started, I didn't really notice any serious traffic issues. Now, it has been said that I drive "as if in a parade" as in, leisurely, i rarely speed and I almost always take the scenic route. This does not mean i go 20 in a 60 zone. It means I go 60, not 80.It's basically an 11 minute drive that can be dragged out into 20 minutes if i'm feeling anti-establishment and want to stumble in a couple minutes late, but all in all, it's been a painless drive.

Until today.

What the fuck people? It's like the angry switch was turned on this morning with those of you coming back to school and work this week. I mean, I know you still wish you were on holidays, but you're not. So stop taking it out on all us peaceful drivers on the road in the morning. Seriously. It ain't cool.

Today, 2 things happened to make me realize that it is no longer summer:
The first, i went to the gas station to put some fuel in the car, and it was EXTREMELY busy. Understandable. It's not the most logically designed layout, it accomodate 8 pumps (3 which were out of service) and a poorly staffed Tim Horton's drivethrough. So yeah, stupid to go there, but I was definitely OUT OF GAS. So I'm there, waiting in line to get one of the 5 functional pumps, and totally get blocked in... it's ok though. Me and the guy at the pump in front of me have a visual understanding that he will pull to the side... I'll take his pump, he'll leave, some other car will move up to wait for my pump.
ok. crisis averted.

No. As the guy pulls out from the pump, the SUV with gramma, daughter and baby grandaughter (who has tons of room to BACK OUT OF her pump, and out to the driveway) pulls through the pump and wants me to back up.... appparently into the 3 cars deep behind me. Anyways, i motion for her to move forward and get this... SHE GIVES ME THE FINGER. I actually laugh. visibly. and she leaves her middle finger up, while she makes a sorry attempt to put the Suburban into reverse. UN-Believable. She finally gets it reversed, and puts it into Drive and she has 2 baby on board signs hanging in the back window. Seriously people. Why can you have a licence... and continue to raise children in this world if you are that volatile. The middle finger? At 8am? Because i wouldn't BACK UP????
The next two incidents involved the expressway... and people obviously too busy texting on their mobile devices to watch that traffic is SLOWING.DOWN. You know that bad feeling when you see someone speeding towards you when you are deadstopped. Yeah.

Anyways, i got here safe and sound and am now being productive under the glowing florescent lights.

Well, enough about that, You all have a lovely day, and if you live in the KW area - please write your local MP re: LIGHT RAIL TRANSIT OPTIONS. For my safety, and yours ;)

Monday, August 25, 2008

to the faithful...

Hey Everyone...
Just wanted to post a little note of thanks.
Qatalyst is going through a bit of transition right now... at this point, there's no new issue scheduled to print...but it IS looking good for the website launch end of Sept/beginning of October. This'll hopefully be your one stop shop for all things interesting on the internet. Well, okay, not the internet, but the greater KW, Guelph, Cambridge area, and those of you abroad who wonder what's up around here.
So thank you, faithfuls, who check this blog even though it is never updated.
I will do better. I promise.
On a brighter note, send through your website thoughts.... anything you want to see or read on a regular basis.... love to hear your ideas... And, if you've got content - send that my way too, i'm stockpiling for the launch.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

FITM in the News

Qatalyst's friend and freelancer Chris DePaul made the news in Exclaim.
Check out this piece written by Jason Schneider about Waterloo's own "Found In the Margins". Congrats Chris ;)

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Just a note,
This photo was taken by local writer, photog, student - Eric Stein.
Oh, and it's a building.


Wednesday, July 23, 2008


So, internet is effed at the office.
stay tuned.

Friday, July 18, 2008

thank goodness it's....

So it's been a pretty crazy week of production and file transfering... but the files are off to the printer and we'll be delivering at the end of next week.

I just wanted to send out a little note on what's in the next issue:

- An Interview with Mr.Carl Zehr, Mayor of Kitchener.
- MUSIC IN ICELAND, A feature by our resident iceland expert, Eric Stein. Yes, he went to Iceland in June.
- An Interview with KLP, local do-gooder and kitchener sweetheart.
- Urban Excursion, Chris DePaul explores this education program about homelessness.
Plus, some very cool photography, event listings, and news items.


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

joyous :)

Hello everyone... look at us!
we're blogging regularly again.

New issue goes to press tonite...
Out July 24 in Kdub.
July 25 in Guelph.
July 28 Cambridge.

Can you hardly wait?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Qatalyst in the News

Qatalyst got a pretty sweet mention in HERE.

Check it out if you're bored on Hump Day.


Fashionably Founded Pt II

A good time was had by all at last week’s three F’s: Friday’s Fashionably Founded. The event at Caesar Martini's drew 200 people who were treated to a dynamic fashion show featuring clothing by Loop and swimwear by Vicancies. The event raised over $2000 for the Steele Family Foundation, who supports local charities in the KW and Toronto area. "Personally, I thought it went really well," said the foundation's associate director and co-host, Jennifer Steele. "Everyone who came out had a great time and I recieved several postitive comments about the show." For more information about giving to the charities supported by the Steele Family Foundation, check out their website at www.thesteelefamilyfoundation.com!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Fashionably Founded!

Hey! No plans tonite? Martinis+fashion+supporting charity=good times. Hit up Caesar Martini’s for Fashionably Founded, a fashion show fundraiser boasting the best of local talent. Headed by the Steele Family Foundation (www.thesteelefamilyfoundation.com), who supports local charities in the KW and Toronto area, the event will showcase summer and fall fashions by Loop Clothing and swimwear by Vicancies. Co-hosts Jennifer Steele from the Steele Family Foundation and Al from Loop Clothing had combined expertise in their collaboration. “He had the clothes, I had the cause. We both knew several talented entrepreneurs in the industry, it was just a good fit,” says Steele. Event-goers can expect a healthy dose of what Steele likes to refer to as “sass and class.” Her three-pronged whammy approach is to raise funds for those who are less privileged and in need, entertain guests with a professional and captivating fashion show, and bring together local talent in the KW area. Need I say more?

Thursday, July 10, 2008


Well, I am back from a short hiatus from the magazine/office/city, and it seems since my departure, livia has gone slightly cuckoo. The cd player has been removed from the office, so she's been left with YouTube as her only source of company and entertainment. I don't think she's used to having me here, because I'm fairly sure she would not have put this on knowing someone else was in the office... at least it wasn't the weird al version. it's good to be back. maybe i'll even blog regularly. C.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


Holy Weekend.

So crazy.

Happy Birthdays to Kim and Joy - awesome celebrating with you these past couple days. sheesh... yes, i said DAYS as in.... it went on for several days - very tired, and hungover, and exhausted.... lol

And a very special birthday to qatalyst's bestie.....

We miss you. Wishing you happy travels lovely lady ....

What fun and craziness did everyone else get up to this weekend? tell us tell us tell us.


Friday, June 20, 2008

dont blog drunkc.

cassie and mick say :pretteh pretteh reetah little girl... are you rich enough? are you somethin enough? oh yeah.... beast of burden... oh yeah... are you rough enough... are ... you .... wtf?

This weekend...

The 41st annual multicultural festival will take place in Victoria Park this weekend. Known for kicking off the summer with its celebration of ethnic diversity in the region, it’s an apt reflection of one of the most diverse populations in Canada. The family event is best known for its bevy of ethnic foods and stands that display wares from all corners of the world. From Latin America to the Middle East and beyond, attendees can travel the world without leaving the city.

Best decision I've made all day...


Thursday, June 19, 2008

tri-Pride 2008

This year’s tri-Pride returned from its hiatus last year to boast a week’s worth of activities leading up to the main event that kicked off June in Victoria Park. The raising of the rainbow flag in the tri-cities, miss tri-Pride pageant and a film documenting the difficulties of gay immigrants were just a few of the highlights leading up to this year’s event. Last year tri-pride was cancelled due to a lack of volunteers at both the board and membership level. Almost four thousand people attended this year’s tri-Pride in support of its focus on family diversity. “We are one of the few Pride events that focuses on the family,” said Michael Lisetto-Smith, co-chair of the tri-Pride Community Association. “This is one reason why our festivities occur in the park and not in a parade.” Representing those in Kitchener-Waterloo and area who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (commonly referred to as LGBTQ), the tri-Pride Community Association hopes the event will elicit more support from the LGBT community. “We need to raise awareness from local businesses, politicians and just the general community as a whole,” he said. Lisetto-Smith characterizes the region as a friendly climate for the LGBTQ community, noting that the live and let live mentality many have allow the LGBT community to feel comfortable. But moving towards a greater acceptance and awareness is always a challenge. Among the association’s goals are ensuring that tri-Pride remains a sustainable event, expanding into the rural communities (inclusion of the Townships) and more events to unite the LGBTQ community all throughout the year instead of just a single day. “Two of our focuses for the new year will include the education of the plight of senior LGBT persons and more awareness of rural LGBT persons. We are hoping to include a number of education events throughout the year and perhaps as part of tri-Pride Day next year,” said Lisetto-Smith. written by livia fama photography copyright lorra douglass

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

for those of you who haven't seen it...

shame on you. pick one up and read all SIXTY pages. we appreciate feedback. oh, and a big THANK YOU to all of our readers. C.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hello all

Hello all, I've just begun working with Qatalyst over the summer. I'm a post-grad journalism student based in Toronto. How did I get here? As Hunter S. Thompson once wrote: "Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits." In other words, here I am! Thanks for making me feel welcome! L

Sunday, June 8, 2008

A warm welcome

To livia fama.
the newest addition to qatalyst.

Please make her feel welcome :)


Saturday, June 7, 2008

Qatalyst's Birthday Weekend Pt.1

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Our Thank You party for clients and contributors was last nite and was fucking awesome.

Pictures will be up as soon as we get them back from all the amazing photogs that were there shooting away.

Let's just say.... these things mix well:
Lots of Alcohol
+ Tons of Strangers
+ Some people you recognize
+ Amazing Art
+ Fire Dancers
+ 1 Spectacular Drag Queen
= one pretty insane nite.

Thanks again to everyone that made it out - and we'll see EVERYONE else tonite!!!!
6:30 - Midnite, The Children's Museum, Stop in Anytime - but bring your dancing shoes, as they say.
H. (

Thursday, June 5, 2008

thursday: it's so now.

So although this weekend will be consisting of BIG EVENTS for qatalyst magazine,we decided to start it a little early. WHO SAYS the weekend has to start on a friday? I say thursday is the new friday. SO. for all you party animals out there... join hilary, livia (new super cute qatalyst employee spectaculare) and i for a night of debauchary at THE GRAD HOUSE for some amazing live music (childebeast, vacuity and sexdwarf) followed by a random and unexpected trip to PHILS for ELECTRO THURSDAYS! i understand if you don't come. i mean... WHO likes ice cold bevies, music, dancing and fun ANYWAYS? hope to see you :) C.


We're 1 this month!

Come celebrate with us at Fudge:The Gathering.
Saturday at the Children's Museum in Downtown Kitchener!


Thursday, May 29, 2008

Sarah Slean @ The GIG Theatre

So last week, Sarah Slean performed at The Gig Theatre in Kitchener.

For those of you that don't know the place... it's an old movie theatre in the Setman Building (Duke and Ontario) that is a super cool, chic little place to host a show. It's got about a 500 person capacity and sometimes that's bad (if your band draws about 25 people), but in this case, a packed house, it was Amazing. Super good energy and acoustics.

Royal Wood - a Canadian Singer/Songwriter opened up for her, he was pretty hilarious, even did a cover of the oompa loompa song from Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory. You can check him out HERE.

Sarah Slean, what can I say? She's fucking gorgeous, her voice is fucking unbelievable and she has a personality most girls would kill for. (jealous, much?)

Scott McQuarrie took some pretty fantastic shots, and was kind enough to send a couple over. I love how she does that head down, possessed by the piano thing. Here they are: copyright of re:action photography, copyright of re:action photography, copyright of re:action photography

If you have a chance to check this woman out. DO. IT.

Her voice and piano playing is beyond beautiful, and her professionalism and charisma is sooo unique.

Here's where I was going to put up the foto of her and I, but I'll spare you ;)

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

only 4 calories

'tis crunch time yet again. however, this month its doublecrunch time as we are putting out 60PAGES! last night (at around midnight) a good friend of mine suggested that I try a 5 hour energy drink. available at UPI. i checked out the website and it promises 5 hours of energy (who'd have guessed) and no crash* later! crash is described as energy below baseline. i didnt go get one for a few reasons. A- i don't want a self induced heart attack. B- I thought, it's 12am, i dont want to be awake for 5 more hours..even though i was here until 4am without it... and C- there isnt even a UPI in the proximity. BUT it did get me thinking that it would be cool to do a feature in the mag about energy drinks and stuff. and have someone drink like, 5 of these and see if they can actually stay up and feel like not-shit....or have them do it and die and then we can bust all these companies and sue them and make mmmmmillliiioooonnnsssssss. Ok. so our new friend Livia is proofing the magazine right now, (and its funy because she's snickering at my desk and i know EXACTLY what article she's reading...SCD!) and then I have about 50 more hours of work to do on it. and then we send files at 4! yay! wait. that doesnt add up. IN OTHER NEWS: day 5 of protest out side our office. WITH ADDED BONUS of jack hammering construction (hello cruel world). alright. time to finish this coffee and scone (thanks kevin!) hang in there. C.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Lawn Furniture for Literalists

So, we've been tossing around ideas for the "reclaimed" patio behind our office.
Basically - we've got this pretty big green space that just has all this useless flora all over it. We need a usable space to hang out, that isn't gonna cost very much money.

G was kind enough to pass this idea on to me.

Any volunteers to come over and help us level the ground so that we can get to work on this: H.

Lock Out

So.... THIS is going on pretty much outside of our office.

It's a little weird... lots of honking and cheering, but it's for a good cause.

Maybe qatalyst should offer a pro-bono course on Picket Sign Design... I really feel like they could be using some better fonts.


Friday, May 23, 2008

The Today Show

So we had some lovely guests today.
I feel like we're on a talk show sometimes... and people come on the show for a quick Q & A.

QM: Hey, nice to see you, thanks for coming on the show!
GUEST: Yeah, thanks for having me on!
QM: So what's new, what projects are you working on right now?
GUEST: Oh, you know, this and that.... side project for Y, doing some design for X.

It's amazing! You are jealous :)

Today on the show, we had Chris DePaul of Foundinthemargins.com and Kevin Suess, frequent Qatalyst Contributor and Artist. Here is a picture that Kevin made of himself. It is very accurate.
I took a couple pictures, but I am an idiot and deleted them before downloading.

Who wants to come on the Show tomorrow?
