or, catch up.
today is the day............ ;)
the magazine is out! as much as i hate distribution in the winter, it is quite fulfilling to drop off our little project in coffee shops around town and see people get excited and eat 'em up. i must say that this month's cover had heads-a-turning.
make sure to pick up a copy!
here are some KW locations:
WATERLOO_wordsworth, whole lotta gelata, gloss, the art store, ethels, SOHO, loop, university plaze: HMV, boardzone, pita pit, campus pizza, bubble tea, pita factory & more!
KITCHENER_encore, working centre, athletic direct, market square, civilian clothing,
inception, exhibit cafe, children's museum, matter of taste, KW bookstore & more.
what else is happening.....
we are getting ready for march's issue... it is shaping up quite nicely. if you or anyone you know has an interesting work station.... email us.
i have obtained passes to
hillside inside... which is going to be AWESOME..wintersleep & bocce & much much more goodness. i really want to get an interview with wintersleep, but, i don't really know how to interview bands, so i'm fairly sure i would just embaress myself and tarnish the magazines name. but maybe that could be the whole premise...anyways. this is unproductive. i wonder if hilary will blog today....
anyways. heath ledger is dead.