Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Joining the CSIS Watch List

Just wanted to let everyone know that the April issue is almost done. Which means that once it's out I'll be going underground to avoid being assassinated by CSIS. Yes, it is THAT controversial. Well, Maybe I am over-reacting....? I guess you'll just have to wait a couple weeks, and then tell me if I'm crazy or not, or you can make me a care-package of canned goods and have it delivered to my secret underground lair. jesus. just as i typed that Cassie put on Beatles. I'm screwed.


Anonymous said...
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Stalkee said...

just so you know, if you take CaSSIe and remove just two letters, a quick shuffle......


Highwaisted said...

get over the beatles already!

Stalkee said...

hey, wait a second. If you're stalking me and they're watching you, then they're watching me to -


Anonymous said...

Oh I see how it is. Deleting comments now are we. CENSORSHIP at Qatalust, what's next, a center spread wal-mart ad? Oh you have made a power enemy today. Rest assured the Computer Science Undergraduate Society will be hearing about this!!!

qatalust said...

Did you hear that bullshit about David Suzuki being the Environmental director for Walmart??? wtf!!!