Wednesday, April 2, 2008

In response to "In response to Qatalyst vs. Catalyst"

Oh, and in case any body gives a shit - John Manley's Presentation of "Afghanistan: Is there an answer?" Was lacking... to say the least. G... care to comment? Cassie?


qatalust said...

I'm changing the password on this thing.
You're not allowed to blog anymore.


Highwaisted said...

whats wrong with having a huge ego?

Stalkee said...

a huge eggos'alright, but i prefer fresh waffles, eggos aren't the best

as for that Manley talk - WTF?
I guess my expectations were too high - when i registered for a talk entitled "Afghanistan: Is There an Answer?" Manley did say that there was an answer, he just didn't say what it was with any clarity.
Maybe he was thrown off by having large chunks of his career (things like having been Minster of Finance and Minster of External Affairs) covered as "and stuff" in Balsillie's introduction of him?