Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Qatalyst for President

Did you know that both Obama and McCain have Stores on their websites?
They do.

pretty interesting stuff to,
like this diane von furstenberg bag on Obama's site. Alternatively,
if you wanted to support young children having access to handguns, and the destruction of multiculturalism, you could sport this stuff from McCain's site: Wow. When will Canadian Politics be this commercialized, i mean glamourous, i mean exciting.


Highwaisted said...

ooo i like that bag!

alana da silva said...
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alana da silva said...

was talking to someone over here about the election and they thought sarah palin was mccain's "eye candy", he contested, because she's so good looking...

...i suppose that's relative to what else there is to look at in the election.

but lemme tell ya, that bag is about to knock her off her throne as official election eye candy.